Friends Amis Vinir

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The View VI: "Update-a-friend-blogger"

The webblog "Bjarneys New York Blogger" is owned by Bjarney, an icelandic fighter and of course a beauty, who is studying biology at NYIT, New York Institute of Technology. She has a great interests in sports and actually plays football in NY (sbr. utandeildarlið) She has traveled a lot and has kept updated all times. This is though a blog dedicated to her NY stay and one of the longest stop. She has traveled and studied in Denmark as well as in Paris, France, there she studied french at Sorbonne. She is always doing something exiting and interesting and this is a blog to read - You might learn something new about each of those countries she has visited.
(sorry for the icelandic input: "utandeildarlið" = a self-selecting-team playing outside the actual big football teams)


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